Is there a way to get the trace table for a Python program? Or for a program to run another program and get its trace table? I\'m a teacher trying to flawlessly verify the answe
Based on what ned-batchelder proposed, as a teacher, I've made a Tracer
class that help on creating LaTeX
outputed longtable
showing the trace of a program with selective variables, bypassing input()
for automating process (especially while called by a \bash
macro from the powerfull bashful LaTeX
import sys
class Tracer():
def __init__(self, varList=[], startLine=1, jeuEssai=[]):
Arguments :
\tvarList\ttraced variable list (used as column header)
\tstartLine\toffset numbering line from the beginning of the program
\tjeuEssai\tinput values to be sent to the automated input bypass
self.traced_variables = varList
self.traced_line_start = startLine
self.input_values = jeuEssai
self.input_cursor = int(0)
self.traced_variables_new_values = dict( (k, '') for k in self.traced_variables)
print("\\begin{longtable}{c*{%i}{>{\\ttfamily}c}}" % len(self.traced_variables), file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
print("\t\\hline\\no ligne",end='', file=sys.stderr)
for header in self.traced_variables:
print(" &", header,end='', file=sys.stderr)
print(" \\\\ \\hline", file=sys.stderr)
def tracer_programme_latex(self, frame, event, args):
if frame.f_code.co_name not in ['input','print','close']:
if event == "line":
output = str()
for var in self.traced_variables:
current_val = str(frame.f_locals.get(var, "-"))
if str(self.traced_variables_new_values.get(var, "-")) != current_val:
self.traced_variables_new_values[var] = current_val
current_val = "\hit{}" + current_val
output += " & "
output += current_val
output += " \\\\"
print("\t%s%s" % (str(frame.f_lineno - self.traced_line_start), output), file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
return self.tracer_programme_latex
def close(self):
"""Close the 'longtable' LaTeX environnement."""
print("\\end{longtable}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
def input(self, prompt=None):
bypass de la fonction 'input()' pour injecter
les valeurs d'essais.
Le jeu d'essai est fourni de manière cyclique. Cela peut
causer des boucles infinies si vous ne fournissez pas une
valeur permettant de réaliser l'arrêt des entrées (dans le
cas bien-sûr où 'input()' est appelé dans une boucle).
self.input_cursor = (1 + self.input_cursor) % len(self.input_values)
return self.input_values[self.input_cursor - 1]
def print(self, *args):
Next you can find an exemple,and the output generated:
def factor():
question = "Give a number: "
number = float(input(question))
product = 1
while number != 0 :
product *= number
print("Product:", product)
number = float(input(question))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
TRACING = len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'trace'
from tracer import Tracer
t = Tracer(varList=['question','number','product'], startLine=2, jeuEssai=[7,6,5,-8,0])
input = t.input
)Give a number: 7
Product: 7.0
Give a number: 6
Product: 42.0
Give a number: 5
Product: 210.0
Give a number: -8
Product: -1680.0
Give a number: 0
python3 trace 1>/dev/null
\hline\no ligne & question & number & product \\ \hline
0 & \hit{}- & \hit{}- & \hit{}- \\
1 & \hit{}Give a number: & - & - \\
2 & Give a number: & \hit{}7.0 & - \\
3 & Give a number: & 7.0 & \hit{}1 \\
4 & Give a number: & 7.0 & 1 \\
5 & Give a number: & 7.0 & \hit{}7.0 \\
6 & Give a number: & 7.0 & 7.0 \\
3 & Give a number: & \hit{}6.0 & 7.0 \\
4 & Give a number: & 6.0 & 7.0 \\
5 & Give a number: & 6.0 & \hit{}42.0 \\
6 & Give a number: & 6.0 & 42.0 \\
3 & Give a number: & \hit{}5.0 & 42.0 \\
4 & Give a number: & 5.0 & 42.0 \\
5 & Give a number: & 5.0 & \hit{}210.0 \\
6 & Give a number: & 5.0 & 210.0 \\
3 & Give a number: & \hit{}-8.0 & 210.0 \\
4 & Give a number: & -8.0 & 210.0 \\
5 & Give a number: & -8.0 & \hit{}-1680.0 \\
6 & Give a number: & -8.0 & -1680.0 \\
3 & Give a number: & \hit{}0.0 & -1680.0 \\
The \hit{}
macro is insert while the value has changed. It's up to you to define something relevant, like a coloring macro : \newcommand{\hit}{\color{red}}