Based on this code below I use for regular mysql, how could I convert it to use mysqli?
Is it as simple as changing mysql_query($sql);
Here is a complete tutorial how to make it quickly if you need to make worgking again a website after PHP upgrade. I used it after upgrading hosting for my customers from 5.4 (OMG!!!) to 7.x PHP version.
This is a workaround and it is better to rewrite all code using PDO or mysqli Class.
First of all, you need to put the connection to a new variable $link
or $con
, or whatever you want.
Change the connection from :
@mysql_connect($host, $username, $password) or die("Error message...");
@mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $db) or die("Error message...");
$con = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $db) or die("Error message...");
With Notepad++ I use "Find in files" (Ctrl + Shift + f) :
in the following order I choose "Replace in Files" :
mysql_query( -> mysqli_query($con,
mysql_error() -> mysqli_error($con)
mysql_close() -> mysqli_close($con)
mysql_insert_id() -> mysqli_insert_id($con)
mysql_real_escape_string( -> mysqli_real_escape_string($con,
mysql_ -> mysqli_
if you get errors it is maybe because your $con is not accessible from your functions.
You need to add a global $con;
in all your functions, for example :
function my_function(...) {
global $con;
In SQL class, you will put connection to $this->con
instead of $con
. and replace it in each functions call (for example : mysqli_query($con, $query);