Pandas has the very handy function to do pairwise correlation of columns using pd.corr(). That means it is possible to compare correlations between columns of any length. For in
Does this work for you?
#call the correlation function, you could round the values if needed
df_c = df_c.corr().round(1)
#get the p values
pval = df_c.corr(method=lambda x, y: pearsonr(x, y)[1]) - np.eye(*rho.shape)
#set the p values, *** for less than 0.001, ** for less than 0.01, * for less than 0.05
p = pval.applymap(lambda x: ''.join(['*' for t in [0.001,0.01,0.05] if x<=t]))
#dfc_2 below will give you the dataframe with correlation coefficients and p values
df_c2 = df_c.astype(str) + p
#you could also plot the correlation matrix using sns.heatmap if you want
#plot the triangle
matrix = np.triu(df_c.corr())
#convert to array for the heatmap
df_c3 = df_c2.to_numpy()
#plot the heatmap
sns.heatmap(df_c, annot = df_c3, fmt='', vmin=-1, vmax=1, center= 0, cmap= 'coolwarm', mask = matrix)