I\'m using a custom font and the @font-face tag. In Windows, everything looks great, regardless of whether it\'s Firefox, Chrome, or IE.
On Mac, it\'s a different story
The font's ascent is too small. The Windows browsers (and Mac Safari, too, in my testing) just throw out the ascent value as incorrect, whereas Firefox and Opera on the Mac accept it.
The easiest way to fix this is with ttx, part of FontTools.
Use it like this:
% ttx bubbleboy-2.ttf
% edit bubbleboy-2.ttx
Change the ascent value to 1100 (or whatever works for you):
Then reconstitute the font:
% ttx bubbleboy-2.ttx
Compiling "bubbleboy-2.ttx" to "bubbleboy-2#1.ttf"...
This new font should be fixed; you can check by opening it in Font Book.
If you want a more visual picture of the problem, try FontForge, though be warned its interface is rather baroque. Once you've opened the font, double-click a capital letter; you'll see a horizontal line bisecting the glyph. This is the (wrong) ascent. You can fix the ascent in Element > Font Info, then click General. Uncheck "Scale Outlines" or the ascent will be bigger but still wrong. :-)
However, to modify the font, I would recommend ttx over FontForge for small changes like this because it's less likely to destroy what it doesn't understand.