My app at first loads the datas from internet(I am using webservice) I want to check internet access at app startup.
You can do all this using ConnectivityManager
. All the required info is available here
You probably want to stick something like this in the onStart()
method of your initial activity (depending on where in your code the connection is fired up and the data is downloaded)
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) Context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (cm.getAllNetworkInfo().isConnected()) {
//proceed with loading
} else {
I haven't tested te code so cutting and pasting is probably a bad idea, but this should give you a good starting point. There is plenty of other info if you check the docs.
Also it's might be an idea to handle the lack of connectivity by changing your code so it doesn't just crash if there is no connection, pre haps show a default loading screen? Also your app may fail to get data even if there is a connection available, so you'll want to handle that scenario too.