In config/routes.rb:
resources :posts do
resources :comments
resources :pictures do
resources :comments
I would like to allow for
I had to do something similar in an app of mine. I took what I came up with and changed it around a bit, but I haven't tested it, so use with care. It's not pretty, but it's better than anything else I was able to think of.
In routes.rb:
resources :posts, :pictures
controller :comments do
get '*path/edit' => :edit, :as => :edit_comment
get '*path' => :show, :as => :comment
# etc. The order of these is important. If #show came first, it would direct /edit to #show and simply tack on '/edit' to the path param.
In comment.rb:
embedded_in :commentable, :inverse_of => :comments
def to_param
[commentable.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize,, 'comments', id].join '/'
In a before filter in comments_controller.rb:
parent_type, parent_id, scrap, id = params[:path].split '/'
# Security: Make sure people can't just pass in whatever models they feel like
raise "Uh-oh!" unless %w(posts pictures).include? parent_type
@parent = parent_type.singularize.capitalize.constantize.find(parent_id)
@comment = @parent.comments.find(id)
Ok, ugliness over. Now you can add comments to whatever models you want, and simply do:
edit_comment_path @comment
url_for @comment
redirect_to @comment
And so on.
Edit: I didn't implement any other paths in my own app, because all I needed was edit and update, but I'd imagine they'd look something like:
controller :comments do
get '*path/edit' => :edit, :as => :edit_comment
get '*path' => :show, :as => :comment
put '*path' => :update
delete '*path' => :destroy
The other actions will be trickier. You'll probably need to do something like:
get ':parent_type/:parent_id/comments' => :index, :as => :comments
post ':parent_type/:parent_id/comments' => :create
get ':parent_type/:parent_id/comments/new' => :new, :as => :new_comment
You'd then access the parent model in the controller using params[:parent_type] and params[:parent_id]. You'd also need to pass the proper parameters to the url helpers:
comments_path('pictures', 7)