I have to integrate C# Windows application with Sage Line 50. (To send all invoice details from application to Sage).
I searched on Google and most of the places it says
I have been looking into exactly the same issue. The Sage SDK is £1500 PER YEAR!!! and my understanding after speaking to Sage is that any applications developed with this years version would not necessarily work with future versions of Sage so you would need to spend ANOTHER!!! £1500 to get the latest dll's etc if your application needs updating for later versions. That’s too rich for me and more importantly my client.
I have been looking at alternatives and found SDATA at
This is quite tricky stuff but for anyone interested it is allowing me to query customer information and crucially it is allowing me to add and edit customers. I’m going to try adding invoices next.
I’ve been using the link above and the example .net client here as reference
Hope this helps someone.