What's the fastest Serialization mechanism for c#?

后端 未结 9 1485
攒了一身酷 2021-02-09 07:38

This for small payloads.

I am looking to achieve 1,000,000,000 per 100ms.

The standard BinaryFormatter is very slow. The DataContractSerializer is slow than Bina

  •  猫巷女王i
    2021-02-09 08:05

    This is the FASTEST approach i'm aware of. It does have its drawbacks. Like a rocket, you wouldn't want it on your car, but it has its place. Like you need to setup your structs and have that same struct on both ends of your pipe. The struct needs to be a fixed size, or it gets more complicated then this example.

    Here is the perf I get on my machine (i7 920, 12gb ram) Release mode, without debugger attached. It uses 100% cpu during the test, so this test is CPU bound.

    Finished in 3421ms, Processed 52.15 GB
    For data write rate of 15.25 GB/s
    Round trip passed

    .. and the code...

        class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int arraySize = 100;
            int iterations = 10000000;
            ms[] msa = new ms[arraySize];
            for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
                msa[i].d1 = i + .1d;
                msa[i].d2 = i + .2d;
                msa[i].d3 = i + .3d;
                msa[i].d4 = i + .4d;
                msa[i].d5 = i + .5d;
                msa[i].d6 = i + .6d;
                msa[i].d7 = i + .7d;
            int sizeOfms = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ms));
            byte[] bytes = new byte[arraySize * sizeOfms];
            TestPerf(arraySize, iterations, msa, sizeOfms, bytes);
            // lets round trip it.
            var msa2 = new ms[arraySize]; // Array of structs we want to push the bytes into
            var handle2 = GCHandle.Alloc(msa2, GCHandleType.Pinned);// get handle to that array
            Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, handle2.AddrOfPinnedObject(), bytes.Length);// do the copy
            handle2.Free();// cleanup the handle
            // assert that we didnt lose any data.
            var passed = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
                if(msa[i].d1 != msa2[i].d1
                    ||msa[i].d1 != msa2[i].d1
                    ||msa[i].d1 != msa2[i].d1
                    ||msa[i].d1 != msa2[i].d1
                    ||msa[i].d1 != msa2[i].d1
                    ||msa[i].d1 != msa2[i].d1
                    ||msa[i].d1 != msa2[i].d1)
                {passed = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Round trip {0}",passed?"passed":"failed");
        unsafe private static void TestPerf(int arraySize, int iterations, ms[] msa, int sizeOfms, byte[] bytes)
            // start benchmark.
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            // this cheats a little bit and reuses the same buffer 
            // for each thread, which would not work IRL
            var plr = Parallel.For(0, iterations/1000, i => // Just to be nice to the task pool, chunk tasks into 1000s
                    for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
                        // get a handle to the struc[] we want to copy from
                        var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(msa, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        Marshal.Copy(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), bytes, 0, bytes.Length);// Copy from it
                        handle.Free();// clean up the handle
                        // Here you would want to write to some buffer or something :)
            // Stop benchmark
            var size = arraySize * sizeOfms * (double)iterations / 1024 / 1024 / 1024d; // convert to GB from Bytes
            Console.WriteLine("Finished in {0}ms, Processed {1:N} GB", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, size);
            Console.WriteLine("For data write rate of {0:N} GB/s", size / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000d));
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size= 56, Pack=1)]
    struct ms
        public double d1;
        public double d2;
        public double d3;
        public double d4;
        public double d5;
        public double d6;
        public double d7;
