ASP.NET makes use of a temporary files directory to store files for Shadow Copying and Dynamic Compilation. A typical path will look like this. Note the hash on the end of the p
Well, a few moments with Reflector, searching all members within System.Web for the word "Temporary" shows this call gets me here:
string str2 = AppManagerAppDomainFactory.ConstructSimpleAppName(AppDomainAppVirtualPath);
But then I remember that the source code is available for all of .NET, so I move to the actual code, rather than the reflectored code:,870
Later in that method "SetupCodeGenDirectory" the path appears to be built on top of with
this._codegenDir = Thread.GetDomain().DynamicDirectory;
So, looks like that hash is from DynamicDirectory. That's over here at which looks like an extern that is inside some COM Fusion Loader stuff:
[ComImport,InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("7c23ff90-33af-11d3-95da-00a024a85b51")]
But that GUID leads me here
which implies it's a public key token part:
public const uint HASH_VALUE = PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN + 1;
public const uint NAME = HASH_VALUE + 1;
That perhaps it's NAME? I'm guessing it's yourAssembly.GetPublicKeyToken();
OR, just change the folder that your temporary ASP.NET files go to in config section in system.web in web.config