I am trying to use a function that uses some OpenCV function on the image. But the data I am getting is a tensor and I am not able to convert it into an image.
Im going to assume image_func
function does what you want (resize) and image. Note that an image is represent by a numpy array. Since you are using the tensorflow backend you are operating over Tensors (this you knew).
The job now is to convert a Tensor to a numpy array. To do that we need to evaluate the Tensor using its evaluate the tensor. But inorder to do that we need a to grab a tensor flow session.
Use the get_session()
method of the keras backend module to grab the current tensorflow session.
Here is the docstring for get_session()
def get_session():
"""Returns the TF session to be used by the backend.
If a default TensorFlow session is available, we will return it.
Else, we will return the global Keras session.
If no global Keras session exists at this point:
we will create a new global session.
Note that you can manually set the global session
via `K.set_session(sess)`.
# Returns
A TensorFlow session.
So try:
def image_func(img)
from keras import backend as K
sess = K.get_session()
img = sess.run(img) # now img is a proper numpy array
return img
Note, I haven't been able to test this
EDIT: Just tested this and it won't work (as you noticed). The lambda function needs to return Tensor. Computation flows throw a Tensor so it also needs to be to be smooth in the sense of differentiation.
I see that essentially the lambda is changing the color and resizing the image, why don't you do this in pre-processing step?