I am trying to make a wizard using Roman Nurik\'s library (https://plus.google.com/113735310430199015092/posts/6cVymZvn3f4).
I am having trouble accessing the collected
Inside if (mPager.getCurrentItem() == mCurrentPageSequence.size()) { }
For single page variable:
String data = mWizardModel.findByKey("Sandwich:Bread").getData().getString(Page.SIMPLE_DATA_KEY);
For customized page:
String data =
If you want to assign the data back to the wizard, put this at the end of onCreate in FragmentActivity:
Bundle data = new Bundle();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(DATA_STRING)) {
data.putString(Page.SIMPLE_DATA_KEY, DATA_STRING);
The key "Sandwich:Bread" is from the example, change whatever suit you. Never try the multi one, I think it is more or less the same.