Combining noSQL and ORM in an MVC framework for a real-case application

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借酒劲吻你 2021-02-09 06:25

I\'ve been trying for some time to put some \'cool\' things I\'ve been reading about noSQL (couchDB, mongoDB, Redis...) in the past years into practical use.

I\'m quite

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-09 07:00

    What I am also trying to understand is if it wouldn't be better to drop using an ORM when switching to noSQL

    It's not really beneficial to drop the ORM entirely. But you may have to rewrite it quite a bit. There are lots of little things like transactions, evented sequential writes, error handling, and data integrity checks that an ORM could handle for you in a noSQL fashion.

    ORMs aren't meant to handle every possible feature, even in SQL. They just do "most" of the heavy lifting. That's why the django ORM provides a direct access to SQL class when you need it.
