I have a little problem doing some AOP with node.js: Let\'s say I have an application in a script called server.js, and I want to monitor its functions.
Here is
I think it is due to the nature of the Javascript language - implies a lot of code intrusion.
please don't :'(
AOP is an extension of OOP, there is no AOP without OOP.
I suggest you to use kaop or TS version with ES7 decorators kaop-ts
1º: npm install kaop --save
2º: define an advice to monitor your methods:
import { reflect } from "kaop"
const Log = reflect.advice(meta => {
//meta.args contains the arguments {array}
console.log(meta.methodName + " called");
console.log("with arguments: " + meta.args);
console.log("returned: " + meta.result);
3º you have to organize your code following OOP guidelines:
const Controller = createClass({
constructor: function(app){
app.get('/', this.home);
app.get('/login', this.login);
login: [function(req, res){
//what ever
}, Log],
home: [function(req, res){
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
}, Log],
notFound: [function(req, res){
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
res.send(404, 'Page introuvable !');
}, Log]
I've writed an article on 2018 which discuss AOP on JS server side.