We are developing a cross platform app on a PCL, but for the time being we are only using android devices for testing.
Our concern is that its taking about 6 to 8 seconds (d
First thing I would recommend is to not benchmark a debug build of your app, the code paths of the Mono runtime and Jit'd code are not the same as a release build, the use of shared runtimes, assembly sizes, etc, etc, etc. will all effect the startup and execution times.
Here are examples of startup times of a "very large" aggressively tuned Android Forms-based app on high-end and low-end devices using an in-house benchmarker (conditionally compiled in, not injected, and using the OS's system clock).
will add:
Times are generated via a shell script that reboots the devices, monitors the startup to wait for the system to settle, launches a series of apps (GApps, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc...), waits for the system to settle, and then launches the Forms app via:
export deviceTime=$(echo "$(adb -s $deviceID shell cat /proc/uptime | awk '{print $1}') * 1000" | bc -l)
adb -s $deviceID shell am start -n com.sushihangover.GeneticCancerDNAMapper/com.sushihangover.GeneticCancerDNAMapper.DevOpsDashboard --el startTime ${deviceTime%.*}
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.162 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.OnCreate
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.164 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.base.SetTheme
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.201 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.base.OnCreate
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.244 : Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.266 : Realms.Realm.GetInstanceAsync ~Get Instance & Data~
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.324 : Realms.Realm.GetInstanceAsync ~Obtained Instance & Data~
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.324 : Xamarin.Forms.Application Content
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.349 : Xamarin.Forms.Application Content ~Creation Completed~
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.353 : Xamarin.Forms.Application.MainPage ~Displayed~
I GeneticCancerDNAMapper: 0.43 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.LoadApplication
Re: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_One
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 2.453 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.OnCreate
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 2.467 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.base.SetTheme
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 2.731 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.base.OnCreate
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 3.016 : Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 3.166 : Realms.Realm.GetInstanceAsync ~Get Instance & Data~
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 3.571 : Realms.Realm.GetInstanceAsync ~Obtained Instance & Data~
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 3.571 : Xamarin.Forms.Application Content
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 3.772 : Xamarin.Forms.Application Content ~Creation Completed~
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 3.799 : Xamarin.Forms.Application.MainPage ~Displayed~
I/GeneticCancerDNAMapper(10904): 4.457 : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity.LoadApplication