I try to build an application which uses pthreads and __m128 SSE type. According to GCC manual, default stack alignment is 16 bytes. In order to use __m128, the requirement is t
I have solved this problem. Here is my solution:
void another_function(){
__m128 y;
void *f(void *x){
asm("pushl %esp");
asm("subl $16,%esp");
asm("andl $-0x10,%esp");
asm("popl %esp");
First, we increase the stack by 16 bytes. Second, we make least-significant nibble equal 0x0. We preserve the stack pointer using push/pop operands. We call another function, which has all its own local variables 16-byte aligned. All nested functions will also have their local variables 16-byte aligned.
And It works!