I would like to get the exact SQL INSERT query that Doctrine generates when an object\'s save() method is called.
Preferably, I would like to get it in the postSave() ev
I don't think there is any easy way to do this since the behaviour of save() varies depending on a few different things (if you're inserting/updating).
If you had created a doctrine query object, then you can call the getSqlQuery() method like this:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('User u');
echo $q->getSqlQuery();
but the save() is a method, not an object so this won't work. I think you'll have to hack in some code to detect whether you're inserting or updating and build a query to log on the fly and then use save().
I know this suggestion is not ideal because it is not logging 'exactly' what save() is doing but for the purposes you stated it should still work just as well.