I\'m trying to make a login page in Struts. The idea is to validate if the user exists, etc, and then if there is an error, return to the login page with the errors in red (the
Here's one: //struts.apache.org/1.3.5/struts-taglib/apidocs/org/apache/struts/taglib/html/package-summary.html#package_description
Here I'm assuming Struts 1. I don't know if it has changed for Struts 2.
You can put an errors.header and errors.footer into your message resources file:
The header and footer are displayed only if the ActionErrors object has any errors in it.
In your Action class, do this:
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
if (badInput) {
new ActionError("error.bad.input", badString); // key in messages resource file
// badString will replace {0} in message
Then before returning:
saveErrors(request, errors);
In your messages resource file:
error.bad.input=- Bad input: '{0}' is invalid.
Now when the
tag is processed, it will turn into:
- Bad input: 'xxyyzzz' is invalid.