I have the following loop to calculate the dates of the current week and print them out. It works, but I am swimming in the amount of date/time possibilities in Perl and want t
Would this work:
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw;
my ( $day, $pmon, $pyear, $wday ) = ( localtime )[3..6];
$day -= $wday - 1; # Get monday
for my $d ( map { $day + $_ } 0..6 ) {
print strftime( '%A, %B %d, %Y', ( 0 ) x 3, $d, $pmon, $pyear ), "\n";
I'm printing them only as an illustration. You could store them as timestamps, like this:
use POSIX qw;
my @week = map { mktime(( 0 ) x 3, $day + $_, $pmon, $pyear ) } 0..6;