I have about 50 CSV files with 60,000 rows in each, and a varying number of columns. I want to merge all the CSV files by column. I\'ve tried doing this in MATLAB by transposing
import csv
import itertools
# put files in the order you want concatentated
csv_names = [...whatever...]
readers = [csv.reader(open(fn, 'rb')) for fn in csv_names]
writer = csv.writer(open('result.csv', 'wb'))
for row_chunks in itertools.izip(*readers):
Concatenates horizontally. Assumes all files have the same length. Has low memory overhead and is speedy.
Answer applies to Python 2. In Python 3, opening csv files is slightly different:
readers = [csv.reader(open(fn, 'r'), newline='') for fn in csv_names]
writer = csv.writer(open('result.csv', 'w'), newline='')