I have a server with lots of video files. After a restore, I noticed that the checksum of a couple of files changed. Since I don\'t have checksums for all files, I wanted write
If you are working with MP4 files you may want to have a look at the mpeg4ip project, specifically the tools like mp4videoinfo or mp4info. This may be enough to meet your needs, and is very quick.
From the front page:
Here is some sample output of a MP4 taken on my Nokia N95:
manoa:Movies stu$ mp4info 20081017001.mp4
mp4info version
Track Type Info
1 video MPEG-4 Unknown Profile(4), 3.620 secs, 2700 kbps, 640x480 @ 23.480663 fps
2 audio MPEG-4 AAC LC, 3.797 secs, 97 kbps, 48000 Hz
manoa:Movies stu$
manoa:Movies stu$
manoa:Movies stu$ mp4videoinfo 20081017001.mp4
mp4videoinfo version
tracks 1
mp4file 20081017001.mp4, track 1, samples 85, timescale 30000
sampleId 1, size 24110 time 0(0) VOP-I
sampleId 2, size 9306 time 4076(135) VOP-P
sampleId 3, size 13071 time 5104(170) VOP-P
... (a bunch more frames and a bit of info) ...
sampleId 59, size 8702 time 64975(2165) VOP-P
sampleId 60, size 8826 time 65980(2199) VOP-P
sampleId 61, size 9819 time 66966(2232) GOV VOP-I
sampleId 62, size 5591 time 67986(2266) VOP-P
... (a bunch more frames and a bit of info) ...
sampleId 83, size 10188 time 105546(3518) VOP-P
sampleId 84, size 6533 time 106585(3552) VOP-P
sampleId 85, size 6032 time 107601(3586) VOP-P
manoa:Movies stu$