I want to sort a QTableView in PyQT5. I found an example that uses PyQT4, but in PyQT5 SIGNALs are not existing anymore. This is my example code
class MainWindow
for those of you guys who wants to import pandas dataframe into qt model try this:
class PandasModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel):
def __init__(self, data, parent=None):
:param data: a pandas dataframe
:param parent:
QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent)
self._data = data
# self.headerdata = data.columns
def rowCount(self, parent=None):
return len(self._data.values)
def columnCount(self, parent=None):
return self._data.columns.size
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
if index.isValid():
if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole:
return str(self._data.values[index.row()][index.column()])
return None
def headerData(self, rowcol, orientation, role):
# print(self._data.columns[rowcol])
# print(self._data.index[rowcol])
if orientation == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal and role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole:
return self._data.columns[rowcol]
if orientation == QtCore.Qt.Vertical and role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole:
return self._data.index[rowcol]
return None
def flags(self, index):
flags = super(self.__class__, self).flags(index)
flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable
flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable
flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled
flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled
flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled
return flags
def sort(self, Ncol, order):
"""Sort table by given column number.
self._data = self._data.sort_values(self._data.columns[Ncol], ascending=not order)
except Exception as e:
I have forgotten where I got the base pandasmodel, probably from here