I would like to use an autocomplete with ajax. So my goal is to have:
When the user types something in the text field, some suggestions provided by the server
With the help of Dave Whittaker, here is the solution I came with.
I had to change some behaviors to get:
Scala part
private def getSugggestions(current: String, limit: Int):List[String] = {
/* returns list of suggestions */
private def autoCompleteJs = AnonFunc("term, res",JsRaw(
(S.fmapFunc(S.contextFuncBuilder(SFuncHolder({ terms: String =>
val _candidates =
if(terms != null && terms.trim() != "")
getSugggestions(terms, 5)
JsonResponse(JArray(_candidates map { c => JString(c)/*.toJson*/ }))
({ name =>
"liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler('" + name
})) +
"=' + encodeURIComponent(term), " +
"function(data){ res(data); }" +
", null, 'json');"))
def xml = {
val id = "myId" //possibility to have multiple autocomplete fields on same page
Script(OnLoad(JsRaw("jQuery('#"+id+"').createAutocompleteField("+autoCompleteJs.toJsCmd+")"))) ++
SHtml.ajaxText(cell.get, s=>{ cell.set(s); SearchMenu.recomputeResults; Noop}, "id" -> id)
Script to insert into page header:
(function($) {
$.fn.createAutocompleteField = function(search) {
return this.autocomplete({
autoFocus: true,
source: function(req, res) {
search(req.term, res);
select: function(event, ui) {
focus: function(event, ui) {
Note: I accepted Dave's answer, mine is just to provide a complete answer for my purpose