I have this function in C++ using OpenCV:
vector test(Mat img)
int minHessian = 400;
SurfFeatureDetector detector( minHessian );
I also had the same Debug Assertion Failed (dbgheap.c Line:1424 Expression: _pFirstBlock == pHead). I am using Visual Studio 2012 Professional (vc11) to compile with OpenCV 2.4.9.
int main(){
SurfFeatureDetector detector(50);
std::vector keypoints[502];
//In my case, some ranges in for-loop may success without Assertion failed.
for(int j=0;j<502;j++){
sprintf(filename, "../../%06d.bmp", j);
img[j] = imread(filename);
detector.detect(img[j], keypoints[j]);
printf("leaving main()\n");
//Debug Assertion Failed after leaving main()
My mistake is that I set the system PATH variable to OpenCV x64 path (c:\opencv\build\x64\vc11\bin) but I linked my code with x86 libs in VC2012 project.
After redefine the PATH variable in Windows to correct OpenCV x86 path (c:\opencv\build\x86\vc11\bin) and restart my VC2012, the Assertion failed of dbgheap.c(1424) will not happened again.
@TheMotivation, Your answer inspired me. Thank you.