In my project I have a database class that I use to handle all the MySQL stuff. It connects to a database, runs queries, catches errors and closes the connection.
Now I
I think the better aproach would be to create the database class that instatiate right away on its own on a database.php and then include it on user.php. then every time you create a function that needs a database, you globalise the database object.
Check this. databse.php
$this->magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
$this->real_escape_string_exists = function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" );
public function open_connection() {
$this->connection = mysql_connect(DBHOST,DBUSER,DBPASS);
die("Could not Connect ".mysql_error());
$db = mysql_select_db(DB, $this->connection);
public function close_connection(){
public function query($sql){
$this->last_query = $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql, $this->connection);
return $results;
private function comfirm_query($results){
$output = "Query Failed " .mysql_error()."
$output .= "Last Query: " . $this->last_query;
public function escape_value($value){
if( $this->real_escape_string_exists ) {
if($this->magic_quotes_active ) { $value = stripslashes( $value ); }
$value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value );
} else {
if( !$this->magic_quotes_active ) { $value = addslashes( $value ); }
return $value;
public function fetch_array($results){
return mysql_fetch_array($results);
public function num_row($results){
return mysql_num_rows($results);
public function insert_id(){
return mysql_insert_id($this->connection);
public function affected_row(){
return mysql_affected_rows();
$database = new MysqlDb();
here is the user.php
$object_array = array();
while($row = $database -> fetch_array($results)){
$object_array[] = self::instantiate($row);
return $object_array;
public static function instantiate($row){
$user = new self;
foreach($row as $attribute => $value){
if($user -> has_attribute($attribute)){
$user -> $attribute = $value;
return $user;
private function has_attribute($attribute){
$object_vars = get_object_vars($this);
return array_key_exists($attribute, $object_vars);