I have a Google App Engine web app that runs the majority of my site. However, for certain functions, I need a linux machine. I would like my Google App Engine app to automatica
You should be able to use the service account associated with your project to authenticate to the Compute Engine API and launch VMs.
Documentation on service accounts suggests that the following python code should fetch a service account token.
import httplib2
import discovery
from oauth2client.appengine import AppAssertionCredentials
credentials = AppAssertionCredentials(
auth_http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
compute_service = discovery.build('compute', 'v1beta15', http=auth_http)
I'd thought that the Google I/O demo from this year where they built a video-sharing site was going to be available, but I don't see it on GitHub yet. There are a number of demos that use AppEngine to control GCE, but most of them seem to use the user's project and credentials, rather the app's own credentials.
Obviously, you probably don't want to spin up a VM on direct user input unless you've got a very large budget or some form of rate limiting in place, but it's quite helpful to spin up a VM now and then when you've got a lot of computation to do. (Transcoding, etc.)