I have two folders that contain all the same files and subfolders, but the conents inside each file may have changed. I want to write a batch file that will search through each
Here is another way to accomplish the task. Set the variables Folder1 and Folder2 to the full path of the folders you want to compare and run the batch file.
Dup – the file exists in both folders and are identical.
Dif - the file exists in both folders but the content of the files are different.
New – The file exists in one folder but not the other.
@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "Folder1=%UserProfile%\Desktop\Test Folder1"
Set "Folder2=%UserProfile%\Desktop\Test Folder2"
For /R "%Folder1%" %%x In (*.*) Do (
Set "FullPath=%%x"
Set "RelPath=!FullPath:%Folder1%=!"
If Exist "%Folder2%!RelPath!" (
>Nul 2>&1 FC /b "%Folder1%!RelPath!" "%Folder2%!RelPath!" && (
Echo Dup - %%x
Echo Dif - %%x
) Else (
Echo New - %%x
For /R "%Folder2%" %%x In (*.*) Do (
Set "FullPath=%%x"
Set "RelPath=!FullPath:%Folder2%=!"
If Not Exist "%Folder1%!RelPath!" (
Echo New - %%x