I have two folders that contain all the same files and subfolders, but the conents inside each file may have changed. I want to write a batch file that will search through each
No need for a batch file. A single FC command can do what you want:
fc folder1\* folder2\*
You can be more specific for the file mask in the first folder if you want. For example folder1\*.txt
The command will report on files that exist in folder1 but are missing in folder2. Extra files in folder2 are simply ignored.
There are a number of options to the FC command. Enter HELP FC
or FC /?
from the command prompt to get more information.
Extending the solution to support subfolders is a bit tricky. It is easy to iterate the folder hierarchy for a given root using FOR /R. The problem is getting the relative paths so that the hierarchy can be applied to another root.
The simplest solution is to use FORFILES instead, since it directly supports relative paths. but FORFILES is... S L O W :/
At this point, a batch file makes sense:
@echo off
set "folder1=c:\path\To\Folder1\Root"
set "folder2=d:\path\To\Folder2\Root"
set "fileMask=*"
for /f "delims=" %%F in (
'echo "."^&forfiles /s /p "%folder1%" /m "%fileMask%" /c "cmd /c if @isdir==TRUE echo @relpath"'
) do fc "%folder1%\%%~F\%fileMask%" "%folder2%\%%~F\*"