I use this code to load a .Net assembly to PowerShell:
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load(\"System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, Publ
Using Joey's answer you can use this function to set "aliases" to assemblies. It basically assigns an assembly to a function with the name of the given alias you want.
function Global:Add_Assembly_Alias($STR_assembly, $alias) {
[string]$assembly = "$STR_assembly.{0}"
function Global:$alias(`$namespace) {
[string](`"$assembly`" -f `$namespace)
E.g. if you want to assign System.Windows.Forms to wforms you would call the main function as
Add_Assembly_Alias System.Windows.Forms wforms
It generates you the function called "wforms" with namespace as argument which you can use to add new objects etc. If you want to add for example a textbox object you would just have to call
$tb = new-object (wforms TextBox)
It is not much, but I think this is as close as you can get to assign an assembly to something similar to an alias. Unfortunately I didn't manage to impelement this for the direct calls of the form
[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Hello World!")
but I hope this still helps.
Cheers, D