I am trying to slice an image into RGB and I have a problem with plotting these images. I obtain all images from a certain folder with this function:
def get_im
So, you want to show in different colors the different RGB channels of an image...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.cbook import get_sample_data
image = plt.imread(get_sample_data('grace_hopper.jpg'))
titles = ['Grace Hopper', 'Red channel', 'Green channel', 'Blue channel']
cmaps = [None, plt.cm.Reds_r, plt.cm.Greens_r, plt.cm.Blues_r]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(13,3))
objs = zip(axes, (image, *image.transpose(2,0,1)), titles, cmaps)
for ax, channel, title, cmap in objs:
ax.imshow(channel, cmap=cmap)
Note that when you have a dark room with a red pen on a dark table, if you turn on a red lamp you percept the pen as almost white...
Another possibility is to create a different image for each color, with the pixel values for the other colors turned to zero. Starting from where we left we define a function to extract a channel into an otherwise black image
from numpy import array, zeros_like
def channel(image, color):
if color not in (0, 1, 2): return image
c = image[..., color]
z = zeros_like(c)
return array([(c, z, z), (z, c, z), (z, z, c)][color]).transpose(1,2,0)
and finally use it...
colors = range(-1, 3)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(13,3))
objs = zip(axes, titles, colors)
for ax, title, color in objs:
ax.imshow(channel(image, color))
I can't tell which is the version that I like better, perhaps the 1st one is looking more realistic to me (maybe it looks less artificial) but it's quite subjective...