My company uses it\'s own root CA and when I\'m trying to pull images. Even from a private registry I\'m getting error:
1h 3m 22 {kubelet miniku
A straight forward way to do this independent from minikube would be to use a imagePullSecrets
configuration. As documented in the Pulling an Image from a Private Registry guide, you can create a Secret
and use that along with your image like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: demo-pod
- name: private-container
- name: the_secret
Where the the_secret
could be created with:
kubectl create secret docker-registry the_secret --docker-server=xxx --docker-username=xxx --docker-password=xxx --docker-email=xxx
Or with:
kubectl create secret generic the_secret --from-file=.docker/config.json
Or with anything else which is related to kubectl create secret
- see documentation for details.
Edit: Even in the official minikube
documentation you'll find that they use Secrets
along with the registry-creds
You'll find the generic documentation here and the documentation for the addon here.
It burns down to:
minikube addons enable registry-creds
But technically it does the same as described above.