I have a database full of two-dimensional data - points on a map. Each record has a field of the geometry type. What I need to be able to do is pass a point to a stored procedur
What happens if you remove TOP (1) WITH TIES
from the inner query, and set the outer query to return the top k rows?
I'd also be interested to know whether this amendment helps at all. It ought to be more efficient than using TOP
DECLARE @start FLOAT = 1000
,@k INT = 20
,@p FLOAT = 2;
WITH NearestPoints AS
,T.g.STDistance(@x) AS dist
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY T.g.STDistance(@x)) AS rn
FROM Numbers
JOIN T WITH(INDEX(spatial_index))
ON T.g.STDistance(@x) < @start*POWER(@p,Numbers.n)
AND (Numbers.n - 1 = 0
OR T.g.STDistance(@x) >= @start*POWER(@p,Numbers.n - 1)
FROM NearestPoints
WHERE rn <= @k;
NB - untested - I don't have access to SQL 2008 here.