I am attempting to render a view from data returned from an API endpoint. My JSON looks (roughly) like this:
\"sections\": [
\"title\": \"Feature
I recommend you to be judicious on the use of Codable
. If you only want to decode a type from JSON and not encode it, conforming it to Decodable
alone is enough. And since you have already discovered that you need to decode it manually (via a custom implementation of init(from decoder: Decoder)
), the question becomes: what is the least painful way to do it?
First, the data model. Note that ViewLayoutSectionItemable
and its adopters do not conform to Decodable
enum ItemType: String, Decodable {
case foo
case bar
protocol ViewLayoutSectionItemable {
var id: Int { get }
var itemType: ItemType { get }
var title: String { get set }
var imageURL: URL { get set }
struct Foo: ViewLayoutSectionItemable {
let id: Int
let itemType: ItemType
var title: String
var imageURL: URL
// Custom properties of Foo
var audioURL: URL
struct Bar: ViewLayoutSectionItemable {
let id: Int
let itemType: ItemType
var title: String
var imageURL: URL
// Custom properties of Bar
var videoURL: URL
var director: String
Next, here's how we will decode the JSON:
struct Sections: Decodable {
var sections: [ViewLayoutSection]
struct ViewLayoutSection: Decodable {
var title: String = ""
var sectionLayoutType: String
var sectionItems: [ViewLayoutSectionItemable] = []
// This struct use snake_case to match the JSON so we don't have to provide a custom
// CodingKeys enum. And since it's private, outside code will never see it
private struct GenericItem: Decodable {
let id: Int
let item_type: ItemType
var title: String
var feature_image_url: URL
// Custom properties of all possible types. Note that they are all optionals
var audio_url: URL?
var video_url: URL?
var director: String?
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case title
case sectionLayoutType = "section_layout_type"
case sectionItems = "section_items"
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
title = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .title)
sectionLayoutType = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .sectionLayoutType)
sectionItems = try container.decode([GenericItem].self, forKey: .sectionItems).map { item in
switch item.item_type {
case .foo:
// It's OK to force unwrap here because we already
// know what type the item object is
return Foo(id: item.id, itemType: item.item_type, title: item.title, imageURL: item.feature_image_url, audioURL: item.audio_url!)
case .bar:
return Bar(id: item.id, itemType: item.item_type, title: item.title, imageURL: item.feature_image_url, videoURL: item.video_url!, director: item.director!)
let sections = try JSONDecoder().decode(Sections.self, from: json).sections