I\'m looking at different options to get the sales reports and other data out of the iTunes Connect website. Since Apple doesn\'t provide an API, all the solutions I found are b
does someone have experience how frequent apple is changing the web front-end?
I can't speak for all of iTunes Connect, only downloading daily sales reports. My script was rock solid and didn't require a single change between November 2009 and September 2010. This changed in September 2010 when Apple rolled out the new web site. This broke the old script, and a new one had to be written. Since rolling out the new web site, I make changes every few days to handle the tweaks from Apple. I'm hoping the tweaks will end soon.
Take a look at the download page for appdailysales.py. The dates will give you a general idea of how often I make changes to the script.
Again, this is only for daily sales reports. I'm not sure how frequently others areas of iTC change.
has someone experience in maximum request from one server to the site? I'm afraid of being baned by apple.
I've not experienced this, but my server runs the script only once a day. I frequently hit the iTC when working on the script, but not enough to cause a load on Apple's servers.
anything else I have to have in mind that will cause serious trouble?
I don't know what might get you in trouble with Apple, but one thing that does cause a serious headache is changes to the web site. While the new version of the web site makes screen scraping the site easier, it did involve writing a new script. Apple does not give you a heads up that they are changing something. You find out after the fact when something in your screen scraper breaks.
If you depend on the data daily, then you have to drop everything and make the necessary fixes. And there is nothing stopping Apple from rolling out another new site sometime in the future.
Hope that helps.