I want to create a list for my classroom of every possible group of 4 students. If I have 20 students, how I can I create this, by group, in R where my rows are each combination
So you could get all the combinations with the expand.grid
function just adding the vector of data four times. Then the result will have combinations like c(1,1,1,1)
so i remove each row that have any duplicated value and the last part is just making the combinations. It is 2 loops and it is quite slow but it will get what you want. It could be speed up with the Rcpp
package. The code is:
ids = 1:20
d2 = expand.grid(ids,ids,ids,ids)
## Remove rows with duplicated values
pos_use = apply(apply(d2,1,duplicated),2,function(x) all(x == F))
d2_temp = t(apply(d2[pos_use,],1,sort))
list_temp = list()
pos_quitar = NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(d2_temp)){
pos_quitar = c(pos_quitar,i)
ini_comb = d2_temp[i,]
d2_temp_use = d2_temp[-pos_quitar,]
temp_comb = ini_comb
for(j in 2:5){
pos_quitar_new = which(apply(d2_temp_use,1,function(x) !any(temp_comb%in%x)))[1]
temp_comb = c(temp_comb,d2_temp_use[pos_quitar_new,])
pos_quitar = c(pos_quitar,pos_quitar_new)
list_temp[[i]] = temp_comb