Format model display in texreg or stargazer R as scientific

后端 未结 3 968
感动是毒 2021-02-08 18:59

I just ran a statisitical model and i want it to display the results of the model as a table using stargazer. However, the large numbers are displayed in full.


  •  借酒劲吻你
    2021-02-08 19:51

    Following Adam K idea, but with a bit more of optimized regex (and making use of vectorisation, which is good idea in R):

    test <- stargazer(fit2,type="text",)

    It is a two line regex: you need to find the number (here of more than five numbers), that are string with number, comma and points

    m <- gregexpr("([0-9\\.,]{5,})", test)

    you need to apply a transformation function to that (here supress the comma, make a number, and display it in scientific with 2 digits. You can consider also the formatC which gives a lot of possibility):

    f = function(x){
      sprintf("%.2e",as.numeric( gsub(",","",x)))

    and you apply it to your regex using the regmatches function

    regmatches(test, m) <- lapply(regmatches(test, m), f)
     [1] ""                                                           
     [2] "========================================================"   
     [3] "                            Dependent variable:         "   
     [4] "                    ------------------------------------"   
     [5] "                                     CO                 "   
     [6] "--------------------------------------------------------"   
     [7] "NO2                              6.26e+02**              "  
     [8] "                                 (2.41e+02)              "  
     [9] "                                                        "   
    [10] "Constant              1.81e+18***  "                        
    [11] "                       (4.62e+17)    "                      
    [12] "                                                        "   
    [13] "--------------------------------------------------------"   
    [14] "Observations                         10                 "   
    [15] "R2                                 4.58e-01                "
    [16] "Adjusted R2                        3.90e-01                "
    [17] "Residual Std. Error 1.57e+17 (df = 8)"                      
    [18] "F Statistic                 6.76e+00** (df = 1; 8)         "
    [19] "========================================================"   
    [20] "Note:                        *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01"   

    To otbain the same output as the original:

    print(,quote = F,row.names = FALSE)
                                    Dependent variable:         
       NO2                              6.26e+02**              
                             Constant              1.81e+18***  
        Observations                         10                 
     R2                                 4.58e-01                
     Adjusted R2                        3.90e-01                
                           Residual Std. Error 1.57e+17 (df = 8)
     F Statistic                 6.76e+00** (df = 1; 8)         
        Note:                        *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

    the data:

    df <- read.table(text  = "
    CO NO2 SM
     2.750000e+18 1.985136e+15 0.2187433
     2.980000e+18 2.144211e+15 0.1855678
     2.810000e+18 1.586491e+15 0.1764805
     3.010000e+18 1.755409e+15 0.2307153
     3.370000e+18 2.205888e+15 0.2046671
     3.140000e+18 2.084682e+15 0.1834232
     2.940000e+18 1.824735e+15 0.1837391
     3.200000e+18 2.075785e+15 0.1350665
     3.060000e+18 1.786481e+15 0.1179924
     2.750000e+18 1.645800e+15 0.2037340",header = T)
