Experience reports using indexed monads in production?

前端 未结 3 1404
感情败类 2021-02-08 17:18

In a previous question I discovered the existence of Conor McBride\'s Kleisli arrows of Outrageous Fortune while looking for ways of encoding Idris examples in Haskell. My effor

  •  我寻月下人不归
    2021-02-08 17:49

    I think the below should count as a practical example: statically enforcing "well-stackedness" in a compiler. Boilerplate first:

    {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
    import qualified Prelude
    import Prelude hiding (return, fail, (>>=), (>>))

    Then a simple stack language:

    data Op (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
        IMM :: a -> Op i (a ': i)
        BINOP :: (a -> b -> c) -> Op (a ': b ': i) (c ': i)
        BRANCH :: Label i j -> Label i j -> Op (Bool ': i) j

    and we won't bother with real Labels:

    data Label (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
        Label :: Prog i j -> Label i j

    and Programs are just type-aligned lists of Ops:

    data Prog (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
        PNil :: Prog i i
        PCons :: Op i j -> Prog j k -> Prog i k

    So in this setting, we can very easily make a compiler which is an indexed writer monad; that is, an indexed monad:

    class IMonad (m :: idx -> idx -> * -> *) where
        ireturn :: a -> m i i a
        ibind :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
    -- For RebindableSyntax, so that we get that sweet 'do' sugar
    return :: (IMonad m) => a -> m i i a
    return = ireturn
    (>>=) :: (IMonad m) => m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
    (>>=) = ibind
    m >> n = m >>= const n
    fail = error

    that allows accumulating a(n indexed) monoid:

    class IMonoid (m :: idx -> idx -> *) where
        imempty :: m i i
        imappend :: m i j -> m j k -> m i k

    just like regular Writer:

    newtype IWriter w (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) (a :: *) = IWriter{ runIWriter :: (w i j, a) }
    instance (IMonoid w) => IMonad (IWriter w) where
        ireturn x = IWriter (imempty, x)
        ibind m f = IWriter $ case runIWriter m of
            (w, x) -> case runIWriter (f x) of
                (w', y) -> (w `imappend` w', y)
    itell :: w i j -> IWriter w i j ()
    itell w = IWriter (w, ())

    So we just apply this machinery to Programs:

    instance IMonoid Prog where
        imempty = PNil
        imappend PNil prog' = prog'
        imappend (PCons op prog) prog' = PCons op $ imappend prog prog'
    type Compiler = IWriter Prog
    tellOp :: Op i j -> Compiler i j ()
    tellOp op = itell $ PCons op PNil
    label :: Compiler i j () -> Compiler k k (Label i j)
    label m = case runIWriter m of
        (prog, ()) -> ireturn (Label prog)

    and then we can try compiling a simple expression language:

    data Expr a where
        Lit :: a -> Expr a
        And :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
        Plus :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
        If :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
    compile :: Expr a -> Compiler i (a ': i) ()
    compile (Lit x) = tellOp $ IMM x
    compile (And x y) = do
        compile x
        compile y
        tellOp $ BINOP (&&)
    compile (Plus x y) = do
        compile x
        compile y
        tellOp $ BINOP (+)
    compile (If b t e) = do
        labThen <- label $ compile t
        labElse <- label $ compile e
        compile b
        tellOp $ BRANCH labThen labElse

    and if we omitted e.g. one of the arguments to BINOP, the typechecker will detect this:

    compile (And x y) = do
        compile x
        tellOp $ BINOP (&&)
    • Could not deduce: i ~ (Bool : i) from the context: a ~ Bool
