I need to Cut from the Full Image using the mask and created the masked Image.
The mask is the second target, as can been seen in the filter shader code (textureColor2).
//Averages mask's the RGB values, and scales that value by the mask's alpha
//The dot product should take fewer cycles than doing an average normally
//Typical/ideal case, R,G, and B will be the same, and Alpha will be 1.0
lowp float newAlpha = dot(textureColor2.rgb, vec3(.33333334, .33333334, .33333334)) * textureColor2.a;
gl_FragColor = vec4(textureColor.xyz, newAlpha);
Then you need to "invert" your mask : white heart on black background, as the filter uses the "weight" of the RGB pixel value to set the alpha value on the target image.
So your code should be
// Image first, Mask next
[FullGpuImage addTarget:maskingFilter];
[FullGpuImage processImage];
[maskingFilter useNextFrameForImageCapture];
[maskGpuImage addTarget:maskingFilter];
[maskGpuImage processImage];
and your mask (ok I did an ugly quick test, use a proper image) like
for the expected result.