I want to add a subview in the top of my view, I have to recalculate the origin y value for all of other views and re-position them to leave space for the new added view.
I've been trying to do a relative (linear) layout for a while and finally decided to just subclass UIScrollView to get it done.
I started out just replacing layoutSubviews with a simple loop through the subviews that reset the origins while keeping a running Y. But, some unexpected things are added to the scrollview, including UIInlineAutoCorrect views from textfields/views, which means these things were being mangled by the layout. So I added a little bit of logic that uses the tag property of a UIView to determine if I should lay it out:
-(void) layoutSubviews{
CGFloat runningY = 0.0f;
CGFloat widestWidth = 0.0f;
for (UIView *view in self.subviews) {
if (view.tag != 1999) {
view.origin = CGPointMake(view.origin.x, runningY);
runningY += view.height;
if ([view autoresizingMask] == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth) {
view.width = self.width;
if (view.width > widestWidth) {
widestWidth = view.width;
[self setContentSize:CGSizeMake(widestWidth, runningY)];
If you would still like to use unique tags for your views, you should just specify a range of tags that will be included in the layout instead of a single value.