I have a problem, i have X in my code, now I want to foreach this object/array its out put. - look my code.
When I got you right, you want the user to select one checkbox (or is it one or more?). This should do it:
var $checkedInputs = $("input:checked");
if ($checkedInputs.length != 1)
alert ("Please select one event");
return false;
alert( $checkedInputs.val() ); //submit the form
EDIT: After reading your question again, I realized that the above code does not answer your question. However, the above does work and is a much shorter version of your solution. Maybe you want to use it instead. To answer your question, you could alert the value of all checked boxes like this:
Change this:
alert( $checkedInputs.val() ); //submit the form
to this:
var values = "";
values += $(this).val() + " ";
alert( values );