I downloaded the sample code to request a rate from fedex\'s website... i placed the WSDL file in the proper location, I have my acct number, password, meter number, and key. Wh
in library file fedex-common.php5 change following fields to provided credentials:
if($var == 'shipaccount') Return '123456';
if($var == 'billaccount') Return '123456';
if($var == 'dutyaccount') Return '123456';
if($var == 'accounttovalidate') Return '123456';
if($var == 'meter') Return '654321';
if($var == 'key') Return 'ASDE324dfe';
if($var == 'password') Return 'K2wedrf4ASDE324dfe';
in wsdlfile ShipService_v*.wsdl change following thing:
Hope it'll work for you.