I want to visualize the amount of different colors of a bitmap file.
My Datasheet looks like:
1 163073164
4 185122087
3 255242000
8 255255255
3 00016223
I just edit something and now it works.
set boxwidth 1
set grid
set style fill solid 1.0 border -1
set yrange [0:*]
set xrange [-.5:*]
set xtics border in scale 0,10 nomirror rotate by -45 left
plot "histo.dat" using ($0):1:($2):xticlabels(3) w boxes lc rgb variable notitle
#^boxes centered on 0,1,2,3,....
#^data column
#^ linecolor column. first box has linecolor corresponding to ls 0, second box has linecolor corresponding to ls 1, etc ...
#^ xticlabels (apparently) come last.