I am using Leaflet.js for a map. Now I want to remove added layers from the map. By clicking the input #button all checked checkboxes shall be changed to unchecked and all corre
I would say the easiest way to remove/add (toggle) layers from the map would be to use a LayerGroup.
Before adding individual layers to the map, add them to a LayerGroup instead and then add that LayerGroup to your map.
Then when you have to remove the layers, just call the clearLayers() function.
Check out the API for LayerGroup http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#layergroup
var map = L.map('leafletMap', {minZoom:11}).setView([37.8, -96], 11);
var assetLayerGroup = new L.LayerGroup();
var marker1 = L.marker([39.61, -105.02]).bindPopup('This is Littleton, CO.');
var marker2 = L.marker([39.74, -104.99]).bindPopup('This is Denver, CO.'),
When remove checkbox is checked