In Global.asax what does the following signify?
This is one of the really frustrating things about learning MVC - the documentation for this feature is awful - there's just hardly anything there:
This allows all the something.axd files to run outside of MVC - that "{*pathInfo}" at the end allows query strings to be ignored (it's kind of a wildcard).
Note that this doesn't apply any such wildcard to the path, so:
trace.axd?clear=1 //excluded from MVC
mySubFolder/customResource.axd //MVC passed to mySubFolderController.customResource()
Helpful. I've been unable to find any decent documentation on exactly what is and isn't supported as keywords apart from "{resource}" and "{*pathInfo}"
However there is an almost completely undocumented feature that gives you a lot more control over these ignored routes:
//ignore all WebForms .aspx/.asmx/.ashx calls anywhere
routes.IgnoreRoute( "{*allaspx}", new { allaspx = @".*\.as[pmh]x(/.*)?" } );
If you pass an anon-initialised object with a property, that property becomes a keyword that you can use in the route.
You can't pass a regex in the route, but you can in this anon property.