How to model mixins / multiple interfaces in Haskell?

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闹比i 2021-02-08 11:31

I came across this question on modeling inheritance in Haskell and it reminded me that I have a little more complicated version of the same problem. I\'ll adopt the example from

  •  庸人自扰
    2021-02-08 12:07

    Perhaps we could take a cue from the underappreciated mtl package, and combine the two previously suggested approaches: declare two type constructors (and make them functors) and declare corresponding typeclasses/instances.

    But here's the trick: we will compose the functors using Data.Functor.Compose from transformers, and then define additional "pass-through" instances to make methods from the inner layers available in the outer layer. Just like mtl does for monad transformers!

    First, some preliminaries:

    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    import Data.Functor.Compose
    data Camera = Camera
    data Light = SpotLight | DirectionalLight 
    data Object = Monster | Player | NPC
    data Vec3 = Vec3C -- dummy type 
    data Colour = ColourC -- dummy type

    The data definitions:

    data Physical a = Physical a Vec3 Vec3 deriving Functor
    data Coloured a = Coloured a Colour deriving Functor

    The corresponding typeclasses:

    class Functor g => FunctorPhysical g where
        vecs :: g a -> (Vec3,Vec3)  
    class Functor g => FunctorColoured g where
        colour :: g a -> Colour

    The base instances:

    instance FunctorPhysical Physical where
        vecs (Physical _ v1 v2) = (v1,v2) 
    instance FunctorColoured Coloured where
        colour (Coloured _ c) = c

    And now the mtl-inspired trick. Passthrough instances!

    instance Functor f => FunctorPhysical (Compose Physical f) where
        vecs (Compose f) = vecs f
    instance Functor f => FunctorColoured (Compose Coloured f) where
        colour (Compose f) = colour f
    instance FunctorPhysical f => FunctorPhysical (Compose Coloured f) where
        vecs (Compose (Coloured a _)) = vecs a
    instance FunctorColoured f => FunctorColoured (Compose Physical f) where
        colour (Compose (Physical a _ _)) = colour a

    An example value:

    exampleLight :: Compose Physical Coloured Light
    exampleLight = Compose (Physical (Coloured SpotLight ColourC) Vec3C Vec3C) 

    You should be able to use both vecs and colour with the above value.

    EDIT: The above solution has the problem that accessing the original wrapped value is cumbersome. Here is an alternate version using comonads that lets you use extract to get the wrapped value back.

    import Control.Comonad
    import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
    import Control.Comonad.Trans.Env
    import Data.Functor.Identity
    data PhysicalT w a = PhysicalT { unPhy :: EnvT (Vec3,Vec3) w a } 
    instance Functor w => Functor (PhysicalT w) where
      fmap g (PhysicalT wa) = PhysicalT (fmap g wa)
    instance Comonad w => Comonad (PhysicalT w) where
      duplicate (PhysicalT wa) = PhysicalT (extend PhysicalT wa)
      extract (PhysicalT wa) = extract wa
    instance ComonadTrans PhysicalT where
      lower = lower . unPhy
    data ColouredT w a = ColouredT { unCol :: EnvT Colour w a } 
    instance Functor w => Functor (ColouredT w) where
      fmap g (ColouredT wa) = ColouredT (fmap g wa)
    instance Comonad w => Comonad (ColouredT w) where
      duplicate (ColouredT wa) = ColouredT (extend ColouredT wa)
      extract (ColouredT wa) = extract wa
    instance ComonadTrans ColouredT where
      lower = lower . unCol
    class Functor g => FunctorPhysical g where
        vecs :: g a -> (Vec3,Vec3)  
    class Functor g => FunctorColoured g where
        colour :: g a -> Colour
    instance Comonad c => FunctorPhysical (PhysicalT c) where
        vecs = ask . unPhy
    instance Comonad c => FunctorColoured (ColouredT c) where
        colour = ask . unCol
    -- passthrough instances    
    instance (Comonad c, FunctorPhysical c) => FunctorPhysical (ColouredT c) where
        vecs = vecs . lower
    instance (Comonad c, FunctorColoured c) => FunctorColoured (PhysicalT c) where
        colour = colour . lower
    -- example value
    exampleLight :: PhysicalT (ColouredT Identity) Light
    exampleLight = PhysicalT . EnvT (Vec3C,Vec3C) $ 
                   ColouredT . EnvT ColourC       $ Identity SpotLight

    Sadly, it requires even more boilerplate. Personally, I would just use nested EnvT transformers at the cost of less uniform access.
