I\'m am having issues with the schema for Hive tables being out of sync between Spark and Hive on a Mapr cluster with Spark 2.1.0 and Hive 2.1.1.
I need to try to reso
I faced a similar issue while using spark 2.2.0 in CDH 5.11.x package.
After spark.write.mode("overwrite").saveAsTable()
when I issue spark.read.table().show
no data will be displayed.
On checking I found it was a known issue with CDH spark 2.2.0 version. Workaround for that was to run the below command after the saveAsTable command was executed.
spark.sql("ALTER TABLE qualified_table set SERDEPROPERTIES ('path'='hdfs://{hdfs_host_name}/{table_path}')")
eg: If your table LOCATION
is like hdfs://hdfsHA/user/warehouse/example.db/qualified_table
then assign 'path'='hdfs://hdfsHA/user/warehouse/example.db/qualified_table'
This worked for me. Give it a try. I assume by now your issue would have been resolved. If not you can try this method.
workaround source: https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/spark2/2-2-x/topics/spark2_known_issues.html