I\'d like to edit some data from a table using a modal. There are various interfaces in the typescript definitions for angular-ui-bootstrap from definitelyTyped, however they ar
The instance injected by angular will be of type ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalService
And since you are using "controller as" syntax, there is no need to start using $scope
here, instead you can use resolve as shown in the angular-ui modal example.
Here's the example code:
class ItemsListController {
static controllerId = 'ItemsListController';
static $inject = ['$modal'];
data = [
{ value1: 'Item1Value1', value2: 'Item1Value2' },
{ value1: 'Item2Value1', value2: 'Item2Value2' }
constructor(private $modal: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalService) { }
edit(item) {
var options: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalSettings = {
templateUrl: 'modal.html',
controller: ItemDetailController.controllerId + ' as modal',
resolve: {
item: () => item // <- this will pass the same instance
// of the item displayed in the table to the modal
.then(updatedItem => this.save(updatedItem));
//.then(_ => this.save(item)); // <- this works the same way as the line above
save(item) {
console.log('saving', item);
class ItemDetailController {
static controllerId = 'ItemDetailController';
static $inject = ['$modalInstance', 'item'];
constructor(private $modalInstance: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalServiceInstance, public item) { }
save() {
this.$modalInstance.close(this.item); // passing this item back
// is not necessary since it
// is the same instance of the
// item sent to the modal
cancel() {