I am migrating a site from Drupal 7 to Django 1.4, including the current users. How can I work with the passwords that were hashed by Drupal?
According to this, Drupal 7
Here's an update to David's excellent answer for python 3, since hashlib no longer accepts strings. Also, this includes support for the odd "U$S$*" hashes, which apparently are from an update and I found a bunch of them in my drupal database.
And as a bonus, here's the code that I used to import my xml file of user data in. (I just created the xml file via an sql export after doing a query on the users table.)
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
tree = ET.parse('/PATH/TO/Users.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for row in root:
user_dict = {}
for field in row:
user_dict[field.attrib['name']] = field.text
user = User.objects.create_user(user_dict['name'], user_dict['mail'])
if user_dict['pass'][0] == '$':
user_dict['pass'] = user_dict['pass'][1:]
user.password = user_dict['pass']