I\'m creating a Mac app and I want to localize my Labels. I thought a .strings
file would be a better choice. But I have trouble reading .strings
Here the your code
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *strFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Labels" ofType:@"strings"];
NSString *tt =NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"LABEL_001",strFilePath,bundle, nil);
NSLog(@"STRING ::: %@",tt);
The problem here is the 2nd Param "strFilePath", change it to @"Labels" so the above code would become,
NSString *tt =NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"LABEL_001",@"Labels",bundle, nil);
For reference, the following line copied from Apple Docs regarding table name, "When specifying a value for this parameter, include the filename without the .strings extension."
hope this helps.