When to use static methods

前端 未结 21 1701
旧巷少年郎 2020-11-21 05:05

I am wondering when to use static methods? Say if I have a class with a few getters and setters, a method or two, and I want those methods only to be invokable on an instanc

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-11-21 05:35

    There are some valid reasons to use static methods:

    • Performance: if you want some code to be run, and don't want to instantiate an extra object to do so, shove it into a static method. The JVM also can optimize static methods a lot (I think I've once read James Gosling declaring that you don't need custom instructions in the JVM, since static methods will be just as fast, but couldn't find the source - thus it could be completely false). Yes, it is micro-optimization, and probably unneeded. And we programmers never do unneeded things just because they are cool, right?

    • Practicality: instead of calling new Util().method(arg), call Util.method(arg), or method(arg) with static imports. Easier, shorter.

    • Adding methods: you really wanted the class String to have a removeSpecialChars() instance method, but it's not there (and it shouldn't, since your project's special characters may be different from the other project's), and you can't add it (since Java is somewhat sane), so you create an utility class, and call removeSpecialChars(s) instead of s.removeSpecialChars(). Sweet.

    • Purity: taking some precautions, your static method will be a pure function, that is, the only thing it depends on is its parameters. Data in, data out. This is easier to read and debug, since you don't have inheritance quirks to worry about. You can do it with instance methods too, but the compiler will help you a little more with static methods (by not allowing references to instance attributes, overriding methods, etc.).

    You'll also have to create a static method if you want to make a singleton, but... don't. I mean, think twice.

    Now, more importantly, why you wouldn't want to create a static method? Basically, polymorphism goes out of the window. You'll not be able to override the method, nor declare it in an interface (pre-Java 8). It takes a lot of flexibility out from your design. Also, if you need state, you'll end up with lots of concurrency bugs and/or bottlenecks if you are not careful.
