In Clojure, how can I find the value of a key that may be deep in a nested map structure? For example:
(def m {:a {:b \"b\"
:c \"c\"
:d {
Clojure offers tree-seq to do a depth-first traversal of any value. This will simplify the logic needed to find your nested key:
(defn find-nested
[m k]
(->> (tree-seq map? vals m)
(filter map?)
(some k)))
(find-nested {:a {:b {:c 1}, :d 2}} :c)
;; => 1
Also, finding all matches becomes a matter of replacing some
with keep
(defn find-all-nested
[m k]
(->> (tree-seq map? vals m)
(filter map?)
(keep k)))
(find-all-nested {:a {:b {:c 1}, :c 2}} :c)
;; => [2 1]
Note that maps with nil
values might require some special treatment.
Update: If you look at the code above, you can see that k
can actually be a function which offers a lot more possibilities:
to find a string key:
(find-nested m #(get % "k"))
to find multiple keys:
(find-nested m #(some % [:a :b]))
to find only positive values in maps of integers:
(find-nested m #(when (some-> % :k pos?) (:k %)))